Saturday 28 April 2012

Fitting braces to the first frame

The first two braces fitted
I started to fit the braces to the rear frame 2 weeks ago (on 15.04.12). Although I expected this to be quite a difficult task I was relieved to find that once started this was not as complex as I had imagined. To mark the joints I clamped each brace in position and used a plumb bob and spirit level to mark out, working on the principle that if I cut the end of the timber square I could use this as the datum edge to mark the tenons. Any irregularity in squareness of the sole plates and wall posts could then be adjusted for. Once the tenons were cut I marked the position of the mortices. 

The biggest disappointment over this period was the weather. I was able to fit three braces in the first week but heavy showers during the second week meant that most of the week was spent with the frame covered with the tarpaulin. 

I was able to cut the fourth brace to shape at the beginning of the week - mostly working under the tarpaulin - but unfortunately I had to wait until 27.04.12 to fit the final brace. 

The fourth brace cut 
All four braces fitted

The process of fitting the braces meant that I had to assemble, dismantle and reassemble the frame and whilst doing this I marked and drilled the holes for the pegs. When assembled for the last time I temporarily pegged a few joints although the frame was very stable without any pegs. Most of this frame should now be able to stay in place but I will have to remove the wall plate when I start to fit the principle rafters - however this is a little way off at the moment.

Temporary pegs in place

A significant milestone has been reached and the next task will be to start to mark and cut the joints for the front frame. (I am pleased that I have already cut the wall posts to length).      

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