Saturday 5 May 2012

Slow progress

Progress has been frustratingly slow this week. Really bad weather at the weekend with heavy rain and very strong winds left the "site" looking very sorry for itself - the tarpaulin waving like a flag and everything wet. Still I got that sorted and moved the timber around to make it easier to work on the front frame.  

By Friday I had only managed to cut the tenons on the four wall posts for the front frame - this was mostly due to the weather and time spent making a solar wax extractor for Barbara. (This is a large box with a perspex sloping roof with two tin trays inside. The extractor uses heat from the sun to melt the wax from used hive frames so the frames can be re-used with new foundation).
Solar wax extractor

The extractor is painted black to absorb the heat and the interior is covered in tin foil to reflect the heat. The top tray slopes to allow the melted wax drip through on to the lower tray which is removed through the door at the front.

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