Thursday 26 April 2012

The beginning

The site
So many people have taken an interest in my shed that I thought it made sense to keep everyone up to date through my blog.

I began thinking about building a shed about two years ago and in the process of designing it and applying for planning permission I decided to make a green oak frame using (mostly) traditional tools and techniques. 

The shed is 4 metres x 3 metres (the largest I could make in the space I have available in my garden). In retrospect I am rather glad it isn't any bigger as I would have had great difficulty lifting and moving the longer timbers.

I started laying the foundations in October 2011. The nearest the aggregate could be delivered was to the adjacent playing field (about 150 yards from my garden). Two bags (1 tonne each) were brought to the garden by a friendly farmer. To move the contents of the third bag I used the wheelbarrow to transport it across the field. 

My neighbours, Helen and Andy, are currently renovating a barn and they kindly gave me some hardcore from the site (approximately 200 yards from my garden). More hard work using the wheelbarrow!

With the use of a hired cement mixer I completed the foundations over three days.

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