Wednesday 5 September 2012

Starting the roof frames

With wet weather, a week and half holiday and then an injured back (not whilst working on the shed) Progress has been slow. However, September is now here and the weather is glorious so work has at last begun on the roof frames. 
8 tenons cut for the roof frames

So far I have cut the tenons for the base fixing of the frames and cut two mortices on one of the tie bars. The next job was to mark the top of the timbers for length and this was slightly difficult as I was not able to lay the frame out horizontally. I worked around this with the use of pulleys clamps and wall posts. So I am now ready to cut the first two beams to length and cut the joint for the top. This will then be used as a template for the other three frames.
Positioning the A frame to mark the length
of the frame timbers

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