Saturday 22 September 2012

Fitting the first roof frame.

A week of glorious weather has enabled progress to be made and the first roof frame is now fitted.

One of the challenges with building the shed has been the weight of the timber and manoeuvring beams and frames into position. For some time I have been thinking about getting the roof frames up onto the wall plates and whether this is something I could manage on my own. The height of the scaffolding is just clear of the roof apex and because I am using two double pulleys to increase the mechanical advantage the working height is very restricted. 

I calculated that if I attached the pulley to the tie beam (and fixed a loop to the top of the frame to prevent it tipping as it was lifted) I may just be able to get the frame into position.

I finished one of the central roof frames today and, as the inside frames are slightly lighter than the end frames I thought this was a good opportunity to see if I could get the frame up onto the wall plates and positioned on the tenons.
The frame pegged and ropes attached ready to be lifted into position

The frame lifted on to the tenons

The first roof frame in position
I have one end frame to finish off (two short braces to be cut and fitted) and one more central frame to make and the roof will be ready to fit the four purlins.

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