Tuesday 23 April 2013

Completion of the main frame

Just about 18 months since I laid the foundations for the shed the main frame is now complete. Making the most of a glorious spring day today I fitted the last two pegs holding the rafter to the wall post at the eaves. I tapped all of the pegs a bit further in and cut the pegs protruding on the outside of the building flush ready to begin cladding the roof and walls. I trimmed the pegs on the internal faces to about 12 mm. There is still some work to do on the little extension but I am still waiting for the post supports before I can conclude this part of the frame.

The last peg (just visible on the left of the image)

Looking up at the roof frame

Looking up at the roof frame

Looking west towards the shed

Sunday 14 April 2013

Fitting rafters

A number of factors significantly reduced the work I could do on the shed between the end of December and end of March - not least the weather. However the rafters are now cut and in place on the roof. I still need to cut the rear rafters to length and finishing pegging along the eaves but this should be completed fairly soon (assuming the weather is dry).

I have purchased oak feather-edge boards (from Yandles) to clad the back and sides and will be collecting slates on Wednesday (from Independent Slate Supplies). I need to order plywood, waterproof membrane, insulation and battens and work can progress on cladding the frame.

Oak feather-edged boards
The first rafters fitted

Rafters fitted and cut to length